SEC Filings

144Non-EDGAR filing submitted by "insiders" prior to intended sale of restricted stockAug 5, 2024Open Non-EDGAR filing submitted by "insiders" prior to intended sale of restricted stock in HTML.Open Non-EDGAR filing submitted by "insiders" prior to intended sale of restricted stock in DOC file.Open Non-EDGAR filing submitted by "insiders" prior to intended sale of restricted stock in PDF file.Open Non-EDGAR filing submitted by "insiders" prior to intended sale of restricted stock in XLS file.
144Non-EDGAR filing submitted by "insiders" prior to intended sale of restricted stockMar 15, 2024Open Non-EDGAR filing submitted by "insiders" prior to intended sale of restricted stock in HTML.Open Non-EDGAR filing submitted by "insiders" prior to intended sale of restricted stock in DOC file.Open Non-EDGAR filing submitted by "insiders" prior to intended sale of restricted stock in PDF file.Open Non-EDGAR filing submitted by "insiders" prior to intended sale of restricted stock in XLS file.
SC 13G/AAmendment to a previously filed SC 13GFeb 14, 2024Open Amendment to a previously filed SC 13G in HTML.Open Amendment to a previously filed SC 13G in DOC file.Open Amendment to a previously filed SC 13G in PDF file.Open Amendment to a previously filed SC 13G in XLS file.
SC 13DFiling by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5%Jan 2, 2024Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in HTML.Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in DOC file.Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in PDF file.Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in XLS file.
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